4/6 情報処理学会中国支部講演会ご案内(共催)


【日時】平成29年4月6日(木) 11:00-12:00

【場 所】広島経済大学 明徳館 10階 (8103号室)

【題 目】Development of Cross-Language Information Retrieval

【講 師】Dr. Agus Zainal Arifin (Dean of the Faculty of Information
     Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS),
     Indonesia; Vice Chairman, National Council for Curriculum
     at Association of Indonesian Higher Education in
     Informatics and Computer Sciences)

【概 要】
    Nowadays the availability of digital information has reached the number that
    were never imagined before. The increasing of digital data also lead to the
    changing of user’s need, from quantitative to qualitative. It means that
    user need not only to get more information but also relevant information.
    Searching large amount of information manually can be time consuming and
    nearly impossible. Another problem is the information provided by internet
    come from a lot of regions which is written in dierent language. These
    problems make the research in eld of cross language text processing become
    an interesting area. Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) is one of
    the idea to create the bridge between user and information from other
    languages. Hence, at this time, our laboratory is developing CLIR application
    in Indonesian-Arabic. The main concern for choosing these topic is based on
    the demand on Arabic Information in Indonesia especially in the Islamic schools
    and universities. We also have the intention to develop bilingual thesaurus in
    Indonesian-Arabic as the tools for Query Expansion (QE) that we used in the CLIR.

【参加費】 無料

【定 員】 50名程度

【事前の参加申込】 不要

   田中章司郎 (広島経済大学経済学部ビジネス情報学科)
   TEL: 082-871-2012
   mail: sh-tanaka[&]hue.ac.jp

   ( http://www.hue.ac.jp/access/index.html )。事前登録はございませ

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   + 計測自動制御学会
   IEEE Hiroshima Section