題目:Current Research on Cogeneration Technologies
日時:2019年11月7日(木) 8:45-9:45
会場:北海道大学 情報科学研究院棟A31教室
講師:Raphael Lechner氏、Nicholas O’Connell氏
(所属:Center of Excellence for Cogeneration Technologies at OTH Amberg-Weiden)
題目:Current Research on Cogeneration Technologies
An energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is currently taking place in Germany. Cogeneration Technologies can provide an efficient and renewable energy supply by generating power and heat simultaneously. The Center of Excellence for Cogeneration Technologies (CECoGen) at OTH Amberg-Weiden is currently working on a number of research topics ranging from biogas to hydrogen and new alternative fuels. The emphasis of the research is improving energy efficiency while reducing emissions. Also innovative system solutions are developed. During the lecture current research projects from the CECoGen will be presented. These include the current cooperation with the Hokkaido University on biogas cogeneration units.
聴講料 :無料
定員 :100名
世話人: 石川 志保 (原 亮一)