題 目: Surrogate Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Power Electronic Modules
日 時: 令和2年 3月3日(火) 10:30~12:00
場 所: 電気電子系セミナー室 A322
講 師: ダルムシュタット工科大学(ドイツ) Dimitrios Loukrezis 氏
Power semiconductor devices are crucial parts of power electronic
applications, employed to control or convert electric power. We consider the
problem of modeling the behavior of a heat sink, i.e., a passive heat
exchanger that dissipates the heat due to Joule losses during the operation
of the semiconductor device. In particular, we are interested in the
transient thermal impedance of the heat sink for varying operation and
design parameters. The common approach of characterizing the thermal
impedance via an expensive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation
becomes unaffordable when a large number of parameter realizations must be
examined. As an alternative, we use a small number of CFD simulations to
construct a sufficiently accurate surrogate model. Moreover, we reduce the
parameter space by performing a surrogate-based sensitivity analysis (SA)
and discarding non-influential parameters. The SA also reveals varying
parameter influences depending on the time point of the device’s transient