講演会「Discontinuous Galerkin Trefftz Finite Element Method」を3月24日に開催


【日時】2015年03月24日 10時30分~ 12時00分

【会場】室蘭工業大学電気電子系セミナー室A (A322)


【題目】Discontinuous Galerkin Trefftz Finite Element Method

【講師】Fritz Kretzschmar 氏(Technical University of Darmstadt)

【お問合せ】川口秀樹 (室蘭工業大学しくみ情報系領域)

E-mail: kawa@mmm.muroran-it.ac.jp


A novel type of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for wave propagation problems is presented in this talk. The method employs space?time Trefftz-type basis functions that satisfy the underlying partial differential equations exactly in an element?wise fashion.  A suitable choice of Trefftz basis functions are plane waves traveling in various directions that are expressed as space-time polynomials of arbitrarily high order p. Methods implying such basis sets can exhibit spectral convergence under p enrichment in the whole space? time domain of interest . Formulating the approximation in terms of a space?time Trefftz basis makes high order time integration an inherent property of the method and clearly sets it apart from methods which employ a high order approximation in space only.