2015 2nd International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2015) 2015 International Conference on Smart Grid and Communications (ICSGC 2015) のご案内 日 時: 平成27年9月10日 (木)~ 平成27年9月12日(土) 場 所:北九州国際会議場 http://www.convention-a.jp/sponsor/kokusai/ 主催:South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering 共催:九州工業大学 協賛(社)西日本産業貿易コンベンション協会、電気学会九州支部 【Local Chair Message】 Dear all,,, It was not accident to decide Kitakyushu city as the host of this conference, but due to the worldwide position of Kitakyushu city in the clean energy area and because it has a leading project in smart grid and finally because of Kyushu Institute of Technology huge interest and accomplishments in the energy research. Fostering this conference to IEEJ society is giving a big chance to researchers and students in Japan to join a fully international event without facing the burdens of travelling abroad. It is a chance to be in a global environment, speak different languages and meet a huge diversity of nationalities and finally get the knowledge. To this end, you will be able to exchange your knowledge an culture as Japanese to international communities in a short time of a very long and extended term of cooperation. Please visit the website and submit your paper to get the maximum benefits of your attendance or join us as a listener to enjoy the event. URL:http://www.cpese.net/contact.php We are looking forward to seeing you in Kitakyushu at this international event. Kindest Regards Yours Yaser Qudaih, Ph.D. Kyushu Institute of Technology 090-6422-5156